The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–24
The past few years have let people anticipate the future with a combination of longing and fear. But one thing is certain, those who have placed their hope in the Lord, our eyes are set on God's mercy, his unending love, his great faithfulness, and most certainly acknowledging his brand new mercies every morning. At POINT Honduras, having experienced unimaginable upheaval and seeing how the Lord continues to make a way and surpass our expectations gives us focus and perseverance. In him alone, we hope; in him alone, we find our contentment. Join us in this brief newsletter to catch a glimpse of how the Lord has provided for our new year.

This year we have an official enrollment of 755 children. 61 of them are enrolled in our government-accredited kindergartens. For $45 a month, you can become a child sponsor. Sponsor Today!
Our staff diligently started planning very early to give our best to our students. Kitchen staff developed a new meal plan and teachers a new school tutoring and bible class curriculum. We are so blessed to have a staff that serves with love.
Through generous donors, we have remodeled different areas in our buildings. This is an answered prayer, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to bring change and much-needed improvement to the condition of our centers. We are confident that our patients, children, and staff will now be more comfortable in our buildings because of your contribution. To our dedicated donors, Thank you! We pray that the Lord will provide abundantly for each of your needs.
After two years of hiatus regarding in-person classes for the Honduran public school system, our ministry of education has finally developed a plan to return to school. Although this may take a while, it is excellent news because our Backpack Campaign was successful, thanks to your remarkable generosity. And this allowed us to provide backpacks, school supplies, uniforms, and school shoes for all of our 755 students. Our teachers packed every backpack with much dedication and excitement.
Joining us for such a joyous occasion, a team of donors, board members, and partners came and helped us deliver the incredible gift to our students. The joy was felt and seen even through facemasks. Education is the tool our children most need. Receiving this backpack is one of the stepping stools for getting access to education. Your support for our program changes lives. We are so thankful!
We are committed to holistically meeting children's needs through the Gospel and helping them achieve their full potential to become Christ-centered individuals. Your support continues to enable the development of our programs in each neighborhood, and we are so thankful for that. We ask your prayers as we move forward in faith with our plans for this year. We are excited to see what the Lord will continue to do.
GIVE ONLINE: Please go to and click the “donate” in the upper right-hand corner. You can set up a recurring gift or a one-time donation.
GIVE VIA CHECK: You may also send checks made out to Orphanos at their secure mailing address: PO Box 1057, Cordova, TN 38088-1057. Please add a note indicating it is for Point Honduras.
SPONSOR A CHILD: For $45 monthly you can provide a child: tutoring, medical care, daily food nutrition, and, most importantly, learning and hearing about Jesus. Once you click on the "Sponsor Today" button in, you will be guided through prompts. If you have any questions, email Kari Smith at
CONSIDER A MONTHLY GIFT OR A ONE-TIME GIFT: If you cannot make a monthly or annual pledge...would you consider a special gift to help us meet our budget?
MOST IMPORTANTLY....PRAY! Please join us in praying for POINT children, Dr. Ivan and his staff, new donors, and for Honduras.