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Educating Girls Is Important

In Loving Memory of Nohemy Peñalva de Barahona

Nohemy Peñalva de Barahona, was a beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, teacher, and friend but, most importantly, a faithful servant of the Lord. As described by a niece, "She was a brave, courageous, pioneer, leader, compassionate woman, with a passion for the Lord." Every role she had in life, she diligently fulfilled to bring honor to God.

Mrs. Nohemy was one of the first female Honduran microbiologists, and later on, she specialized in Education and served as superintendent and part of education boards. During a luncheon, her daughter, Mimi Crook, a long-time friend, and partner to POINT, shared how her mother treasured education and always found ways to help young women get educated and succeed in life.

As a way to honor her beautiful legacy, Inspirata Foundation, led by Barahona-Peñalva and Crook Family, has honored POINT Honduras by selecting two young girls, recent POINT graduates, to become some of the first girls to receive the Nohemy Peñalva de Barahona scholarship.

This financial support will most definitely be a blessing to our two girls as they are just starting their new school year. We are thankful for this wonderful gift but grateful for having met and being touched by Nohemy.

Our prayers of peace and strength to the Barahona, Peñalva and Crook families during this hard time. She is gone too soon, but we are certain she is rejoicing in the loving arms of her father.

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have

been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.

Come and share your master's happiness!' Mathew 25:23

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